We can't get the valid component from a cell in JTable by "JTable.getCellEditor(row , col)". I think it's the original source's bug.
Argument "row" is not used.
javax.swing.JTable public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) { TableColumn tableColumn = getColumnModel().getColumn(column); TableCellEditor editor = tableColumn.getCellEditor(); if (editor == null) { editor = getDefaultEditor(getColumnClass(column)); } return editor; }
これを、指定行数の指定列のコンポーネントを取得するには、セルを選択して、getCellEditorを実行する。 そうすると、指定行数のコンポーネントが取得できる。もっと違うやり方があるかもしれないけど。
If you want to get the component form cell editor in JTable, select each cells and execute "getCellEditor".
int rowQty = oJTable.getTableModel().getRowCount();
int colQty = oJTable.getTableModel().getColumnCount();
int i = 0; int j = 0;
oJTable.setColumnSelectionAllowed(false); oJTable.setRowSelectionAllowed(false); oJTable.setVisible(false); for(i=0;i
oJTable.changeSelection(i, j, false, false);Component oComponent = ((DefaultCellEditor)oJTable.getCellEditor(i , j)).getComponent();
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